Results for 'Michelle Bocchi Gonçalves'

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  1.  17
    Corpos dançantes na escola: diálogos entre a educação performativa e a perspectiva bakhtiniana.Michelle Bocchi Gonçalves, Thais Castilho & Jair Mario Gabardo Junior - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (3):136-155.
    RESUMO O presente artigo propõe um diálogo entre a educação performativa e a perspectiva bakhtiniana, a partir de reflexões sobre o corpo dançante como potência transformadora na/da/sobre a escola. Ao se compreender a comunicação do corpo como materialidade da consciência individual que, ao dançar enuncia por cadeias dialógicas infinitas, é imprescindível conceber o movimento como texto sígnico, carregado de vozes passíveis de leitura e interpretação. Ao investigar pressupostos de base da educação performativa em relação com uma abordagem dialógica de um (...)
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    EDITORIAL Decolonialidade e política das imagens: tensões e agenciamentos.Fernando Gonçalves, Daniel Meirinho & Michele Salles - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    Dentre os muitos agenciamentos que questionam e esgarçam as políticas neocoloniais eurocentradas ainda vigentes, parte de um amplo legado colonial, o campo das artes parece oferecer um espaço privilegiado de contestação, reivindicação e quebra de hegemonias.Em 2020, ano em que este dossiê é pensado e organizado, o assassinato de George Floyd aprofundou a crise social e moral causada pelo capitalismo racial e suas consequências nefastas, gerando uma forte onda de contestação contra o racismo estrutural, contra a brutalidade policial econtra o (...)
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    Differences in Attitudes Toward Reading: A Survey of Pupils in Grades 5 to 8.Pascale Nootens, Marie-France Morin, Denis Alamargot, Carolina Gonçalves, Michèle Venet & Anne-Marie Labrecque - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Michel Henry, Lecteur de Paul. Les Vivants Dans L’Archi-Chair du Christ.Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2022 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 49 (155):495.
    Résumé: L’interprétation des concepts clefs de saint Paul à partir des intuitions fondamentales de la phénoménologie de la vie cherche surtout à nous faire saisir l’intersubjectivité possible dans l’immanence de la chair acosmique. Le corps mystique du Christ correspond, ainsi, à cette intersubjectivité acosmique qui peut d’ailleurs fonder, en tant que communauté transcendantale, une inter- subjectivité intramondaine qui se veut pacifique. Il nous semble que, de cette façon, une nouvelle ontologie sociale émerge dans l’appropriation que Henry fait de l’ecclésiologie paulinienne. (...)
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    La subtile présence de Pascal dans la phénoménologie de Michel Henry.Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (3):453-470.
    In Michel Henry’s studies, the absence of Pascal in the phenomenology of life has been mentioned. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the author of Pensées is mentioned both in Henry’s main work, The Essence of Manifestation, and in the Christic trilogy, which showcases the radical limits of his own phenomenology. In this article, we aim to analyze the few explicit references that Henry makes to Pascal to demonstrate how the author of Pensées serves as one of the allies of the (...)
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    Differences Between Subclinical Ruminators and Reflectors in Narrating Autobiographical Memories: Innovative Moments and Autobiographical Reasoning.Tilmann Habermas, Iris Delarue, Pia Eiswirth, Sarah Glanz, Christin Krämer, Axel Landertinger, Michelle Krainhöfner, João Batista & Miguel M. Gonçalves - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:624644.
    Reasoning may help solving problems and understanding personal experiences. Ruminative reasoning, however, is inconclusive, repetitive, and usually regards negative thoughts. We asked how reasoning as manifested in oral autobiographical narratives might differ when it is ruminative versus when it is adaptive by comparing two constructs from the fields of psychotherapy research and narrative research that are potentially beneficial: innovative moments (IMs) and autobiographical reasoning (AR). IMs captures statements in that elaborate on changes regarding an earlier personal previous problem of the (...)
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    Conversas com Foucault e Coutinho. Ensaiar modos de vida impuros com a escrita na universidade.Teresa Paula Nico Rego Gonçalves & Thiago Ranniery - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (3).
    A partir da experiência de coordenação de um programa de oficinas de escrita acadêmica, este texto explora uma maneira de conceituar as reverberações da impureza na escrita acadêmica a partir da transformação da paisagem política no ensino superior na última década do Brasil. Ao entrelaçar entrevistas de Michel Foucault com o documentário Jogo de Cena de Eduardo Coutinho, procura-se investigar os contornos da experiência da escrita acadêmica a partir do encantamento das palavras introduzido pelo gênero ensaio, que introduz os efeitos (...)
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    DOSSIÊ MICHEL FOUCAULT: o pensamento de Michel Foucault em nosso tempo de agora.Cristiane Maria Marinho, Dorgival Gonçalves Fernandes, Elias Ferreira Veras & Eduardo F. Chagas - 2017 - Revista Dialectus 11.
    O que somos? Como nos tornamos o que somos? Quais relações de saber-poder atravessam nossas subjetividades? Quais dispositivos e tecnologías foram/são mobilizados em torno das urgências histórico-contemporâneas? Quais outros somos são possíveis diante das estratégias de governamentalidade disciplinares e biopolíticas que marcam a contemporaneidade? O pensamento de Michel Foucault e seu modo crítico de indagação histórica e filosófica possibilitam que interpelemos os processos que nos fizeram e nos fazem ser quem somos, seus mecanismos de assujeitamento e posibilidades de resistências, nos (...)
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    O dharma na impermanência da web: difusão e transformações do zen-budismo na internet.Richard Gonçalves André - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1240.
    No Brasil, com o envelhecimento e a morte dos primeiros imigrantes nipônicos, o Budismo étnico tem enfrentado desafios para sua perpetuação. Tendo em vista esse contexto histórico, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a difusão do Zen Budismo no Youtube no período de 2015 a 2017, utilizando como fontes primárias os vídeos da Monja Coen, religiosa não descendente de japoneses que tem atuado no universo midiático nos últimos anos. Como metodologia, os vídeos são discriminados em diferentes categorias, sendo analisados tanto (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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    Pintura, história da arte e cultura.Rosa Gabriella De Castro Gonçalves - 2014 - Dois Pontos 11 (1).
    Este artigo tem por objetivo investigar como Michel Foucault e Roland Barthes analisaram a obra dos pintores Édouard Manet e Cy Twombly guiados pela idéia de que, na modernidade, a obra de arte não pode mais ser interpretada meramente como a expressão da subjetividade de seu autor e, sim, em virtude da relação que ela mantém com a cultura e com a história da arte anterior a ela, bem como o de avaliar o quanto esta abordagem se aproxima do formalismo.
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    Ciência, tecnologia e sociedade: ensino de Ciências no referencial pós-estruturalista.Samuel Molina Schnorr & Carla Gonçalves Rodrigues - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):46.
    Na presente investigação, objetivou-se analisar, a partir do referencial teórico e metodológico pós-estruturalista, os conceitos de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade na trama com a educação e o ensino de Ciências. Como substrato teórico são utilizadas obras de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, ofertando pistas para ampliar a discussão destes conceitos. Na reunião dos saberes investigados, afirma-se um pensamento científico que desenvolve a produção de sentidos para a educação. Diante do exposto, pensa-se em um ensino, que crie estratégias de (...)
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    Os Sentidos da paixão.Sérgio Cardoso & Fundação Nacional de Arte (eds.) - 1987 - São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
    Os sentidos da paixão foram originalmente um curso livre que o Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas da Fundação Nacional de Arte (Funarte) promoveu no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brasília e Curitiba e que atraiu cerca de setecentas a mil pessoas em cada cidade. Prova da fertilidade do curso é este livro apaixonado. Nele, alguns dos mais brilhantes intelectuais brasileiros discutem desde o amor em Platão até a paixão em Pasolini, passando por Freud, Walter Benjamin e Clarice Lispector, o que (...)
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  14. Kuhn’s ‘5th Law of Thermodynamics’: Measurement, Data, and Anomalies.Alisa Bokulich & Federica Bocchi - 2024 - In K. Brad Wray, Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions at 60. Cambridge University Press.
    We reconstruct Kuhn’s philosophy of measurement and data paying special attention to what he calls the “fifth law of thermodynamics”. According to this "law," there will always be discrepancies between experimental results and scientists’ prior expectations. The history of experiments to determine the values of the fundamental constants offers a striking illustration of Kuhn’s fifth law of thermodynamics, with no experiment giving quite the expected result. We highlight the synergy between Kuhn’s view and the systematic project of iteratively determining the (...)
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  15. Emergent processes as generation of discontinuities.Leonardo Bich & Gianluca Bocchi - 2012 - In G. MInati, Methods, Models, Simulations and Approaches Towards a General Theory of Change. World Scientific. pp. 135-146.
    In this article we analyse the problem of emergence in its diachronic dimension. In other words, we intend to deal with the generation of novelties in natural processes. Our approach aims at integrating some insights coming from Whitehead’s Philosophy of the Process with the epistemological framework developed by the “autopoietic” tradition. Our thesis is that the emergence of new entities and rules of interaction (new “fields of relatedness”) requires the development of discontinuous models of change. From this standpoint natural evolution (...)
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  16.  64
    Pathogen versus microbiome causation in the holobiont.Aja Watkins & Federica Bocchi - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-6.
    In their paper “How Causal are Microbiomes? A Comparison with the Helicobacter pylori Explanation of Ulcers,” Lynch, Parke, and O’Malley successfully argue that certain causal attributions made to the microbiome have not satisfied Koch’s postulates nor the interventionist framework. However, their argument involves an implicit assumption that cases such as H. pylori are sufficiently similar to cases involving the microbiome, such that causal attributions to both should be evaluated according to the same causal framework. Our commentary targets this assumption. First, (...)
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  17.  36
    Analysis of the Alternative Agriculture’s Seeds Market Sector: History and Development.Pietro Barbieri & Stefano Bocchi - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):789-801.
    Alternative agricultural systems, like organic and local agriculture, are becoming increasingly important in Europe to the detriment of conventional methods. As a matter of fact, sustainable agriculture, which started as a niche sector, has been able to conquer a significant share of the European agro-food market. Institutional promotion along with increasing consumer demand has allowed for the development of different agricultural models, from the farm to the fork, with an increasing focus on the ethical issues associated with the agro-food production (...)
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  18.  22
    Capitalismo naturalista e modo de produção capitalista: crítica ao pensamento de Eugênio Gudin.Maria Borges & João Bocchi - 2019 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 25 (2):191-214.
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    La Sfida della complessità.Henri Atlan, Gianluca Bocchi & Mauro Ceruti (eds.) - 1985 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    Continuous Environmental Changes May Enhance Topographic Memory Skills. Evidence From L’Aquila Earthquake-Exposed Survivors.Laura Piccardi, Massimiliano Palmiero, Alessia Bocchi, Anna Maria Giannini, Maddalena Boccia, Francesca Baralla, Pierluigi Cordellieri & Simonetta D’Amico - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:347392.
    Exposure to environmental contextual changes, such as those occurring after an earthquake, requires individuals to learn novel routes around their environment, landmarks and spatial layout. In this study, we aimed to uncover whether contextual changes that occurred after the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake affected topographic memory in exposed survivors. We hypothesized that individuals exposed to environmental changes—individuals living in L’Aquila before, during and after the earthquake (hereafter called exposed participants, EPs)—improved their topographic memory skills compared with non-exposed participants (NEPs) who moved (...)
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    Defesa psíquica na primeira tópica freudiana: por que as pulsões são reprimidas?Aline Sanches & Josiane Cristina Bocchi - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    Desde o início da teorização freudiana, inibição, defesa e censura são processos que devem incidir sobre as pulsões. O primitivo pulsional precisa ser reprimido ou transformado. Este artigo problematiza a relação entre as pulsões sexuais e a defesa psíquica, ao longo do período pré-psicanalítico e da primeira tópica freudiana. Situamos o conflito entre sexualidade e repressão, apontado por Freud como característico das psiconeuroses, enquanto que nas neuroses atuais a angústia está relacionada a um registro quantitativo e não exatamente a um (...)
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  22. Apresentação.Fernando do Nascimento Gonçalves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):7-9.
    A crise dos modelos de representação fundadas em unidades coerentes e ordenadas parece ter como um dos traços o que Bruno Latour (1993) chamou de “híbridos”(1). Os híbridos são a figura da multiplicidade que não cabe em categorias e que a modernidade “varia para baixo do tapete”. Atualmente, assistimos ao “retorno dos que nunca foram”, que interpelam de forma contundente nossas formas de vida, fortemente apoiadas na técnica. Mas como apreender os fluxos de discursos e práticas mediatizadas que nos atravessam (...)
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    The Mind-Body Politic.Michelle Maiese & Robert Hanna - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Building on contemporary research in embodied cognition, enactivism, and the extended mind, this book explores how social institutions in contemporary neoliberal nation-states systematically affect our thoughts, feelings, and agency. Human beings are, necessarily, social animals who create and belong to social institutions. But social institutions take on a life of their own, and literally shape the minds of all those who belong to them, for better or worse, usually without their being self-consciously aware of it. Indeed, in contemporary neoliberal societies, (...)
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  24.  51
    The Given: Experience and its Content.Michelle Montague - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    What is given to us in conscious experience? The Given is an attempt to answer this question and in this way contribute to a general theory of mental content. The content of conscious experience is understood to be absolutely everything that is given to one, experientially, in the having of an experience. Michelle Montague focuses on the analysis of conscious perception, conscious emotion, and conscious thought, and deploys three fundamental notions in addition to the fundamental notion of content: the (...)
  25.  56
    Henry M. Cowles. The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey. 384 pp., notes, index. Cambridge, Mass./London: Harvard University Press, 2020. $35 (cloth); ISBN 9780674976191. [REVIEW]Alisa Bokulich & Federica Bocchi - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):196-197.
  26. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.Michelle Alexander & Cornel West - 2010 - The New Press.
    Argues that the War on Drugs and policies that deny convicted felons equal access to employment, housing, education and public benefits create a permanent under-caste based largely on race. Reprint. 12,500 first printing.
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  27. Can machines think? The controversy that led to the Turing test.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2499-2509.
    Turing’s much debated test has turned 70 and is still fairly controversial. His 1950 paper is seen as a complex and multilayered text, and key questions about it remain largely unanswered. Why did Turing select learning from experience as the best approach to achieve machine intelligence? Why did he spend several years working with chess playing as a task to illustrate and test for machine intelligence only to trade it out for conversational question-answering in 1950? Why did Turing refer to (...)
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  28. Freedom and reason in Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard.Michelle Kosch - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Michelle Kosch examines the conceptions of free will and the foundations of ethics in the work of Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard. She seeks to understand the history of German idealism better by looking at it through the lens of these issues, and to understand Kierkegaard better by placing his thought in this context. Kosch argues for a new interpretation of Kierkegaard's theory of agency, that Schelling was a major influence and Kant a major target of criticism, and that both (...)
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  29. A “fidalguia escravista” ea constituição do Estado Nacional Brasileiro.Andréa Lisly Gonçalves - 1998 - História 4 (1):105-118.
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    Review & Reply. Review of Gonçalves, R.T. (tr.) Lucrécio. Sobre a Natureza das Coisas(2021).Renata Cazarini de Freitas & Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03302-03302.
    Review & Reply. Review of Gonçalves, R.T. (tr.) Lucrécio. Sobre a Natureza das Coisas(2021).
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    (1 other version)Schizophrenia and Common Sense, Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J., Pereira, J. (eds.). SpringerNature, Mind-Brain Studies.I. Hipolito, Jorge Goncalves & João G. Pereira (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    Schizophrenia is usually described as a fragmentation of subjective experience and the impossibility to engage in meaningful cultural and intersubjective practices. Although the term schizophrenia is less than 100 years old, madness is generally believed to have accompanied mankind through its historical and cultural ontogeny. What does it mean to be “mad”? The failure to adopt social practices or to internalize cultural values of common sense? Despite the vast amount of literature and research, it seems that the study of schizophrenia (...)
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    Leibniz’s Filters (Translation of a Chapter from Michel Serres's The System of Leibniz and its Mathematical Models).Michel Serres & Martijn Boven - manuscript
    This chapter from Michel Serres’s comprehensive study on Leibniz—"The System of Leibniz and its Mathematical Models [Le système de Leibniz et ses modèles mathématiques]"—examines Leibniz’s epistemological framework. This framework, which Leibniz developed for a large part in his “Meditations on Knowledge, Truth, and Ideas [Meditationes de cognitione, veritate et ideis],” is pitched against Descartes’s "Meditations on First Philosophy [Meditationes de Prima Philosophia]" and the method of systematic doubt developed therein. While Descartes rejects any knowledge with the slightest possibility of falsehood, (...)
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  33. Aristotle.Michelle Mason & Valerie Tiberius - 2009 - In Shane J. Lopez, The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  34. The Turing Test is a Thought Experiment.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (1):1-31.
    The Turing test has been studied and run as a controlled experiment and found to be underspecified and poorly designed. On the other hand, it has been defended and still attracts interest as a test for true artificial intelligence (AI). Scientists and philosophers regret the test’s current status, acknowledging that the situation is at odds with the intellectual standards of Turing’s works. This article refers to this as the Turing Test Dilemma, following the observation that the test has been under (...)
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  35. Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault.Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton (eds.) - 1988 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    This volume is a wonderful introduction to Foucault and a testimony to the deep humanity of the man himself.
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  36. Mental simulation and language comprehension: The case of copredication.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (1):2-21.
    Empirical evidence suggests that perceptual‐motor simulations are often constitutively involved in language comprehension. Call this “the simulation view of language comprehension”. This article applies the simulation view to illuminate the much‐discussed phenomenon of copredication, where a noun permits multiple predications which seem to select different senses of the noun simultaneously. On the proposed account, the (in)felicitousness of a copredicational sentence is closely associated with the perceptual simulations that the language user deploys in comprehending the sentence.
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  37. How to Think about Zeugmatic Oddness.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1109-1132.
    Zeugmatic oddness is a linguistic intuition of oddness with respect to an instance of zeugma, i.e. a sentence containing an instance of a homonymous or polysemous word being used in different meanings or senses simultaneously. Zeugmatic oddness is important for philosophical debates as philosophers often use it to argue that a particular philosophically interesting expression is ambiguous and that the phenomenon referred to by the expression is disunified. This paper takes a closer look at zeugmatic oddness. Focusing on relevant psycholinguistic (...)
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  38. Kant's Doctrine of Transcendental Illusion.Michelle Grier - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This major study of Kant provides a detailed examination of the development and function of the doctrine of transcendental illusion in his theoretical philosophy. The author shows that a theory of 'illusion' plays a central role in Kant's arguments about metaphysical speculation and scientific theory. Indeed, she argues that we cannot understand Kant unless we take seriously his claim that the mind inevitably acts in accordance with ideas and principles that are 'illusory'. Taking this claim seriously, we can make much (...)
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  39. Formalising trade-offs beyond algorithmic fairness: lessons from ethical philosophy and welfare economics.Michelle Seng Ah Lee, Luciano Floridi & Jatinder Singh - 2021 - AI and Ethics 3.
    There is growing concern that decision-making informed by machine learning (ML) algorithms may unfairly discriminate based on personal demographic attributes, such as race and gender. Scholars have responded by introducing numerous mathematical definitions of fairness to test the algorithm, many of which are in conflict with one another. However, these reductionist representations of fairness often bear little resemblance to real-life fairness considerations, which in practice are highly contextual. Moreover, fairness metrics tend to be implemented in narrow and targeted toolkits that (...)
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  40. The logic, intentionality, and phenomenology of emotion.Michelle Montague - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 145 (2):171-192.
    My concern in this paper is with the intentionality of emotions. Desires and cognitions are the traditional paradigm cases of intentional attitudes, and one very direct approach to the question of the intentionality of emotions is to treat it as sui generis—as on a par with the intentionality of desires and cognitions but in no way reducible to it. A more common approach seeks to reduce the intentionality of emotions to the intentionality of familiar intentional attitudes like desires and cognitions. (...)
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  41. Contempt as a moral attitude.Michelle Mason - 2003 - Ethics 113 (2):234-272.
    Despite contemporary moral philosophers' renewed attention to the moral significance of emotions, the attitudinal repertoire with which they equip the mature moral agent remains stunted. One attitude moral philosophers neglect (if not disown) is contempt. While acknowledging the nastiness of contempt, I here correct the neglect by providing an account of the moral psychology of contempt. In the process, I defend the moral propriety of certain tokens of properly person-focused contempt against some prominent objections -- among them, objections stemming from (...)
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    Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):4-22.
    Prenatal genetic testing is becoming available for an increasingly broad set of diseases, and it is only a matter of time before parents can choose to test for hundreds, if not thousands, of genetic conditions in their fetuses. Should access to certain kinds of fetal genetic information be limited, and if so, on what basis? We evaluate a range of considerations including reproductive autonomy, parental rights, disability rights, and the rights and interests of the fetus as a potential future child. (...)
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    Embodied Selves and Divided Minds.Michelle Maiese - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Embodied Selves and Divided Minds examines how research in embodied cognition and enactivism can contribute to our understanding of the nature of self-consciousness, the metaphysics of personal identity, and the disruptions to self-awareness that occur in case of psychopathology. The book reveals how a critical dialogue between Philosophy and Psychiatry can lead to a better understanding of important issues surrounding self-consciousness, personal identity, and psychopathology.
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  44. Stakeholder Engagement: Beyond the Myth of Corporate Responsibility.Michelle Greenwood - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4):315-327.
    The purpose of this article is to transcend the assumption that stakeholder engagement is necessarily a responsible practice. Stakeholder engagement is traditionally seen as corporate responsibility in action. Indeed, in some literatures there exists an assumption that the more an organisation engages with its stakeholders, the more it is responsible. This simple 'more is better' view of stakeholder engagement belies the true complexity of the relationship between engagement and corporate responsibility. Stakeholder engagement may be understood in a variety of different (...)
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  45. Against propositionalism.Michelle Montague - 2007 - Noûs 41 (3):503–518.
    'Propositionalism' is the widely held view that all intentional mental relations-all intentional attitudes-are relations to propositions or something proposition-like. Paradigmatically, to think about the mountain is ipso facto to think that it is F, for some predicate 'F'. It seems, however, many intentional attitudes are not relations to propositions at all: Mary contemplates Jonah, adores New York, misses Athens, mourns her brother. I argue, following Brentano, Husserl, Church and Montague among others, that the way things seem is the way they (...)
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  46. Pain, paradox and polysemy.Michelle Liu - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):461-470.
    The paradox of pain refers to the idea that the folk concept of pain is paradoxical, treating pains as simultaneously mental states and bodily states. By taking a close look at our pain terms, this paper argues that there is no paradox of pain. The air of paradox dissolves once we recognize that pain terms are polysemous and that there are two separate but related concepts of pain rather than one.
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  47. Could our epistemic reasons be collective practical reasons?Michelle M. Dyke - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):842-862.
    Are epistemic reasons merely a species of instrumental practical reasons, making epistemic rationality a specialized form of instrumental practical rationality? Or are epistemic reasons importantly different in kind? Despite the attractions of the former view, Kelly (2003) argues quite compellingly that epistemic rationality cannot be merely a matter of taking effective means to one’s epistemic ends. I argue here that Kelly’s objections can be sidestepped if we understand epistemic reasons as instrumental reasons that arise in light of the aims held (...)
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  48. The Polysemy View of Pain.Michelle Liu - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):198-217.
    Philosophers disagree about what the folk concept of pain is. This paper criticises existing theories of the folk concept of pain, i.e. the mental view, the bodily view, and the recently proposed polyeidic view. It puts forward an alternative proposal – the polysemy view – according to which pain terms like “sore,” “ache” and “hurt” are polysemous, where one sense refers to a mental state and another a bodily state, and the type of polysemy at issue reflects two distinct but (...)
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  49. Revelation and the Appearance/Reality Distinction.Michelle Liu - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind.
    It is often said that there is no appearance/reality distinction with respect to consciousness. Call this claim ‘NARD’. In contemporary discussions, NARD is closely connected to the thesis of revelation, the claim that the essences of phenomenal properties are revealed in experience, though the connection between the two requires clarification. This paper distinguishes different versions of NARD and homes in on a particular version that is closely connected to revelation. It shows how revelation and the related version of NARD pose (...)
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  50. Mindshaping, Enactivism, and Ideological Oppression.Michelle Maiese - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):341-354.
    One of humans’ distinctive cognitive abilities is that they develop an array of capacities through an enculturation process. In “Cognition as a Social Skill,” Sally points to one of the dangers associated with enculturation: ideological oppression. To conceptualize how such oppression takes root, Haslanager appeals to notions of mindshaping and social coordination, whereby people participate in oppressive social practices unthinkingly or even willingly. Arguably, an appeal to mindshaping provides a new kind of argument, grounded in philosophy of mind, which supports (...)
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